EUREKA TOX – The Only Kits in the World for Confirmation Analysis of Drugs of Abuse

Dedicated to Forensic Toxicology, the science that studies the substances of abuse and poisons with medical-legal implications associated with their use.
It is an application of Toxicology in situations that assume or may assume legal relevance and from this derives the close link with Legal Medicine.
Historically, the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory aims to analyze cadaveric samples and therefore in all those cases that include:
– Drugs Overdose
– Poisoning by drugs or exogenous substances
– Drug analysis
– Identification of pesticides, drugs or poisons in food

Recently, the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory was asked to investigate biological samples of living organisms for the detection of substances of abuse for administrative, medico-legal and clinical purposes. The toxicological analyzes in the forensic field involve the examination of the so-called “conventional” matrices (blood, urine) and / or “alternatives” such as the pilifera, oral fluid and sweat.
Their respective results, alone or in combination, provide useful elements for a correct diagnosis with forensic toxicology and medical examiner.